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Departmental Forms for teachers and TA Staff

Research Activity

  • Research Fellowship – Application for Activation (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • Assegni di ricerca – Application for Renewal (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • Research Study Grant – Application for Activation (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • Research Study Grant – Application for Renewal (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • Research Study Grant – Payment Approval (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • Application for contract for human resource (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • Contract Payment Approval (Versions: PDF)

Procedures CONSIP - MEPA - SCR (Regional Commission Company)

  • MEPA – Purchase regulations
  • MEPA/CONSIP - forms (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • Reimbursement of small expenses through Cassa Economale 
  • Regular receipt of goods (Versions: Doc PDF)
  • Regular bill of services execution (Versions:  Doc - PDF)
  • Non-harmful material declaration

Procedure for activating a seminar on Research Funds

  • Procedure department seminars
  • Request seminar invitation (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • CV Template
  • Declaration of collaborators’ assignments (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • Seminar compensation settlement proposal (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • Personal data sheet - Bank details (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • Occasional Contract Form 5,000 Euro (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • Expenses request for seminar participation (Versions: Doc - PDF)

Visiting professor

  • CV Template (English)
  • Personal Information (Versions: Doc -PDF)
  • Transparency Statement (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • Refund Request - Mission or Seminar (Versions: Doc - PDF)

Employee work-related trips (teachers, technical-administrative staff)

 FROM 16 MARCH 2015 all work-related trips must be entered on the site EasyWeb

  • Work-related trip regulations  

At the end of the trip, it is necessary to enter the details for the request for reimbursement of expenses and deliver the form to the Office:
Settlement of administrative and technical staff missions (Versions: Doc - PDF)
Settlement of teaching staff missions (Versions: Doc - PDF)
Instructions for using the IT platform are available below:

  • Guida Easy - Richiesta
  • Guida Easy - Autorizzazione
  • Guida Easy - Rimborso

Work-related expenses of non-employee collaborators (doctoral students, postgraduates, students, etc.)

For the purposes of reimbursement, collaborators are obliged to deliver the following documentation in paper format only:

  • Expenses Authorisation (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • (English Version) Expenses Authorisation (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • The authorisation to carry out the work-related trip must always be presented before departure.
  • Insurance - Declaration (for travel abroad) (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • (English Version) Insurance Declaration (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • Hotel Category - Declaration (for trips abroad) (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • (English Version) Hotel Category (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • Personal data and bank card (MANDATORY) (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • (English Version) Personal and Bank Info (MANDATORY) (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • Request for reimbursement of expenses (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • (English Version) Refund Request (Versions: Doc - PDF)
  • Copy of the certificate of participation in the event (congress, conference, etc.)

Table of Limits (Extract from Regulations Rectoral Decree no.354/2017)
Daily spending limits in foreign countries

Last modified 15 July 2022